to use Your Picture on Jigsaw Pieces
If you can't find a "Logotype" in the header above, kindly be
requested to install a plug-in "Adobe SVG Viewer ver3.0",
since Jigsaw Patterns in here are created by using "SVG path".
( you can download "Adobe SVG Viewer 3.0"   from   here. )
[ Downloadable Jigsaw Puzzles ]
Image Size 480 * 320 pixel
Image Size 600 * 400 pixel
After extracting the download file, which is compressed as a zip file, you will find following 2 files.
Please put them into the same folder, and execute "jigsawP#-#.svg".
[ To use Your Own Picture for a Background of Jigsaw Pieces. ]
Please prepare your Image File which is the same pixel size of the original, and put your file into the same folder as of the file "jigsawP#-#.svg".
Please open the aforementioned file "jigsawP#-#.svg" by a certain "Text Editor", and you will find as below. Then, after modifing it in accordance with instruction below, Please execute "jigsawP#-#.svg" to start.