NIFTY-SERVE is the Japanese counterpart of Compuserve , a commercial BBS service. It has 690 thousand users (1994) and numerous access points throughout Japan.

What's FRPG ?

FRPG is the abbreviation of Role Playing Games Forum, or the SIG (Special Interest Group) dedicated for RPG, held on NIFTY-SERVE.
FRPG is one of the major center of Japanese RPG scene.

Who are found at FRPG ?

Me , and many other people contributing to construct the Japanese Culture Page . Most of them are amateur RPG fans living in Japan.

What are they doing at FRPG ?

They are enjoying conversations and discussions about various RPG, such as Shadowrun , Torg , AD&D, TRAVELLER , GURPS , and many RPGs both made in Japan and others.
Some people are playing chat sessions in Realtime Conference rooms. Some other people are PbEM sessions.
Some people are utilizing FRPG as bulletin boards to find new players for their game clubs.
Some are studying various English stuffs ported from Internet / USENET and translating them into Japanese. Such translated articles are redistributed from FRPG to many other sites. We thank you whole internet residents for the wonderful gifts.
Some other are writing articles for the Japanese Culture Page and translating them into English. Their fruits are what you are reading.

I'd like to know more about FRPG. How can I know ?

Send a question mail to , the System Operator of FRPG.
updated on 94/10/17
written by